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Server Migration Services

At Acom Networks, we provide help with server migrations at a variety of locations throughout Georgia and Alabama. From Columbus, GA, Middle Georgia, Macon, and Warner Robins to Auburn and other locations in Central Alabama, our team can help you migrate servers with ease. From on-premise help to cloud technologies such as Azure, AWS, and Google Cloud and upgrades to new server technologies such as Window Server 2016 to Windows Server 2022, Acom can help you with all your server migration needs.

Migrating and upgrading your servers is one of the most important things you can do for your business, and our team is standing by ready to help you. Let’s take a look at why you should migrate your servers and perform regular maintenance:

Improve Old Hardware Or Unsupported Software

Technology is one of the greatest inventions in world history. That said, we have all had at least one hiccup when using technology that has become outdated. Whether it be an old computer or software that is just unsupportive and clunky, server migration can help you mitigate all of your old IT problems.

There are a variety of reasons to upgrade your older servers to make sure they are running efficiently, such as:

  • Dealing with a data breach – if your systems have been hacked or you have fallen victim to a cybersecurity attack, you will want to consider upgrading your servers to recover data and prevent such an attack from happening again
  • Improving business intelligence – sometimes upgrading your servers will help with business intelligence

What Is Involved With Server Migration

It’s no secret that migrating servers is quite complex. No doubt, you need an IT team that is experienced to lead the way so you don’t expose yourself to vulnerabilities and problems down the road. Some server migration tasks you’ll need to complete are:

  • Transforming storage and making sure you have enough space for your servers
  • Software upgrades – everything from email to communications – make sure you have the latest and greatest software installed
  • Upgrading computers and hardware
  • Migrating data from physical hardware to the cloud

Not each server migration will be the same. It depends on what you are working with now and what your goals and needs are for your company going forward. The right IT experts will be able to help you determine what needs to be done and set you on a path towards execution.

Near Zero Down Time

One of the headaches you might think of when thinking about migrating your servers is losing productivity due to downtime. Fortunately, much of what we do in support of server migration can be done while you are still up and running. Not only that, but as we migrate your servers, we are going to do so in a way that helps protect you against cyberattacks in the future, which usually cause a lot of downtime and monetary losses to your business.

When you are victimized by a cyberattack, you lose a lot more money than if you upgrade your servers to work to prevent an attack. So many resources are ruined, and recovery costs a lot of resources. Some companies never recover from a cyberattack, which is why building a prevention system into a server migration is critical to the health of your business.

Benefits Of Server Migration

While there are many benefits, one of the top benefits is improving your software and getting your files stored on the cloud. Moving away from physical hardware and storage solutions and towards a cloud-based solution is going to strengthen your business moving forward.

As more and more employees continue to work remotely, you want them to be able to access all their emails and files from the cloud, streamlining the remote work process and ensuring they maintain maximum productivity even when not physically sitting in an office.

What Happens If You Don’t Migrate Servers?

Remember the days of dial-up internet where you sat and waited for the phone to dial before it connected you? The longer you wait to migrate your servers, the more your hardware and software equipment become antiquated and will run closer to the efficiency of dial-up internet and not at the high-speed WiFi rates we have grown accustomed to.

Like anything else, technology has a life cycle. A beginning – when it is the latest and greatest on the market, a middle – when you are running efficiently, and an end – when it becomes obsolete and cumbersome to use. In addition to improving speed and efficiency, migration also protects your servers so you will be less likely to suffer a catastrophic data breach that could ruin your business.

In reality, the clock is ticking on your current servers. How long will they last? Will they ever crash when you are in the middle of crucial work? Routine server maintenance and migration ensures all of your IT systems are running as efficiently as possible. Your assets remain protected, your team remains productive, and your business will run at peak efficiency.

How Often Should You Do Maintenance?

Servers need to be maintained. Don’t run the mistake of migrating them and then leaving them alone for years. New software patches need to be installed, hardware might require upgrading, and you want to make sure you are protected against the latest complex cybersecurity attacks and phishing scams. Not all servers are the same, and what works for one business might not work for you.

At Acom, our team will work with you to determine a maintenance schedule that works for you, but you should plan on at least having some maintenance done every month. Reach out and contact us today to learn what sort of server migration will work best for you.  Server maintenance is like a good insurance policy, and you don’t want to find yourself in a crisis with no insurance (or out-of-date servers). The good news is, you will not be alone on an island. Working with a strong IT company means you are relying on the experts to keep all your IT hardware and software at peak performance, so your business will always run smoothly!